Let us know what you want!

Don’t see what you like? We’re happy to help you find what makes you happy!

Drop us a note in the message line - do you want a hoodie? A tank top? A specific size that we don’t have available? A full-sized adult jumper? A color scheme? A theme for your significant other? Holiday vibes?

Do you have a really cool logo shirt sitting in your closet that needs an upgrade? We’ll discount the total price if you can get the piece to us!

A great custom order request example from a customer recently was: “Hello friends! I’d love a hoodie without a zipper, with yellow, blue, and/or purple.” She added a smiley face, which we appreciate.

Another requested, “I’m an ex-Marine and would love anything with the Marine colors.” He was so happy with his shirt, we’ve outfitted half his family!

We love this craft and we love making people smile! Let us know what you want, and we’ll figure out a way to make it happen. If we can’t, we’ll let you know.

Stay colorful, friends.